Training The Trainer in Psychodrama & Action Methods
Connie Miller, ACS, M.S., NCC, TEP
Energy Follows Action. Training in Action Methods is for professionals who want to use these skills in group or individual psychotherapy, education, spiritual direction, human resources, and health care settings. Action therapy will also help expand clinical skills for those working with addicts and in every level of recovery process. Students of all levels are welcome; many who come to sessions do not plan to become certified in psychodrama but find they want to use their new skills in conjunction with their present work or for personal growth. Psychodrama and sociometry principles will teach you how to build positive relationships within a group setting as well.
When action is added to the learning process, it:
- Dissolves passivity.
- Shows a person's inner perception of the world and provides an alternate method of disclosure.
- Gives greater power and meaning to a person's words.
- Helps clarify thoughts and feelings.
- Increases spontaneity and creativity, allowing a person to look at life with more options.
Contact Connie Miller at (732)-974-1978 for information or to register.
Additional Training for Groups:
Training: Our Place or Yours! Training and supervision in group psychotherapy and psychodrama are offered both on-site (at your facility) or here at our office. Training sessions of various lengths can range from 1/2 day to a full week. Specific training and supervision on the model of Souldrama is also available. Please contact us to develop a training program to suit your needs.
Monthly Training Session in Souldrama:
If you are looking to develop or enhance your skills as a group psychotherapist, an on-going professional training group exists in Monmouth County, New Jersey and in St Pete Beach, Fl.! Membership in this group will allow participants to earn certification credit in group psychotherapy and psychodrama and continuing education credit for certified group psychotherapists (CGPs). Content: The training is both experiential and didactic. Each session will include processing of interpersonal interactions within the group as well as a discussion of techniques and theory applied. Membership: Space is very limited. A personal interview is required. Training sessions are on-going and you may begin at any time throughout the year. (A ten (10) month course of training is equivalent to six (6) graduate credits.)
Certification In Group Psychotherapy and Psychodrama candidates learn techniques and theory through participation in an on-going group with their colleagues. A Masters degree in Psychology, Rehabilitation, Social work (MSW), or a related field along with a total of 780 hours of training (with a certified trainer in group psychotherapy and psychodrama) is required to sit for the written certification examination. (Students may work towards certification prior to receiving their degree.)
The academic portion of the training involves an extensive reading list which covers the fields of: group dynamics, the history of group therapy, sociometry, psychodrama, sociodrama, action techniques, adjunctive techniques, therapeutic factors, process and outcome research, ethics, and various theoretical orientations to group therapy as well as other related topics. Following the written exam there is a practical exam where the candidate will be asked to run a group and they will be evaluated by an observer other than the primary trainer.
Each training session includes processing and analyzing the group. This may include demonstration, lecture, videotape feedback, or a question and answer format. The candidate becomes an active member in the training group as a way of engaging in self-study for professional and personal growth.
The successful candidate will become certified in Group Psychotherapy and Psychodrama as recognized by the American Society for Group Psychotherapy and Psychodrama and the American Board of Examiners in Group Psychotherapy, Sociometry, and Psychodrama.
Supervision: If you would like to develop your skills as a group therapist in group process, supervision is available once a month. Members do not have to be working towards certification or continuing education credits to be part of the training and/or supervision. Group process supervision is offered both on-site at your facility and at ours. The supervision will involve members raising issues on facilitation of group process on topics such as:
-Putting spirituality and the 12 steps into action
-Forming groups -Confidentiality -Altering the group dynamic -Understanding and using sociometry -Using Action Methods -Practical concerns and safety issues -Helping isolates -Intervention Techniques -Countertransference issues -Financial matters -Terminating a group -Interacting with other professionals -Learning to process the group from different perspectives
Course Description for Training in Psychodrama, Sociodrama, and Group Psychotherapy. Conceived and developed by Jacob L. Moreno, MD., the father of group psychotherapy, psychodrama employs guided dramatic action to examine problems or issues raised by an individual (psychodrama) or a group (sociodrama). Using experiential methods, sociometry, role theory, and group dynamics, psychodrama facilitates insight, personal growth, and integration on cognitive, affective, and behavioral levels. It clarifies issues, increases physical and emotional well being, enhances learning, and develops new skills. The benefits of this experiential form of therapy offer exciting and effective ways to expand and enliven communication, learning, self-discovery, and skill building in group therapy including those in recovery from substance abuse.
PSYCHODRAMA: Psychodrama affords participants a safe, supportive environment in which to practice new and more effective roles and behaviors.
Join us today to expand your knowledge and experience Souldrama!