What is Souldrama®?
Souldrama is a seven-stage spiritual action model of growth and discovery designed to awaken your higher purpose! How do we live a soulful life? We are all on a life-long journey; it is a search for who we are and why we are here. It expands our consciousness, awakens our heart, and clears our mind, and aligns our ego with our souls so that we can be on our Higher Purpose.
Is your spiritual development important to you?
If so, Souldrama can help. A new spirituality requires us to know the presence of Spirit .. the Universal Presence ... in all things and forms. This Universal Presence has little to do with intelligence, for the universe is not an intellectual process. The intellect is helpful, but our true selves are a reflection of our hearts, and they are the wiser part of ourselves. New wisdom is unfolding by the demands of our current times.
People everywhere are searching for well-being: for meaning, direction, fulfillment, health, and happiness. To have our needs met, we look to the outside world to feel useful and appreciated. We long for satisfying relationships, to love and to be loved. Little do we realize that the process has to start inside and if we look within we can find all of our answers. Behind all of these human desires is the creative impulse of our soul; it moves through each of us and through the world in which we exist. When we can understand, connect, and respond to the soul, we find meaning in all of our experiences, even the most difficult ones. When we resist the soul because we don't understand what's happening; we become ill, have accidents, experience emotional pain, and struggle with money as well as work and interpersonal relationships.
Life's Purpose - What is yours?
Few of us clearly or intuitively know our life's purpose because our lives get clogged with roadblocks and pitfalls. Through Souldrama, we can see and re-enact how our lives have unfolded and can begin to understand our life's lessons. We can discover why we are here and what is preventing us from connecting with our true inner selves and moving forward. Change is hard. As human beings, we prefer constancy and comfort to instability and uncertainty, even if we perceive the outcome as better for us. When change comes, we try to avoid the transition because we are afraid to lose control of our selves and the situation. The symptoms of preventing change are: being indecisive, ambivalent, impulsive, emotionally detached, and by procrastinating. We become stuck in careers and roles that no longer serve us, we outgrow relationships and become lost in our addictions and codependency. How do we consciously move past this resistance and step through the doorway to transformation? Souldrama The illumination of knowing our life's purpose and the satisfaction of fully living it brings clarity, meaning, and fulfillment into our lives. When we consciously align with our most profound reasons for being, we tap into rich reserves of energy, personal power, and passion. Our lives begin to flow in new and delightful ways, and it brings a peaceful stillness to our souls. As we experience the depths of our hearts, we can love ourselves without judgment and learn to extend it to others. When we become our authentic selves, we can offer the world our gifts, talents, and skills with the clarity of our intention and without fear, finally living our dreams.
Our Workshops and Retreats will:
- · Transform and renew your relationships.
- · Illuminate your spiritual gifts.
- · Overcome the fears that prevent you from moving forward.
- · Increase your self-esteem.
- · Discover what unique gifts, talents, and skills you bring into this world.
- · Discover what specific issues represent your life's challenges.
- · Discover what gives your life meaning and purpose.
- · Create spiritually intelligent leadership. ·
- Develop clarity, passion, and personal power
- Identify your values, virtues, qualities, and talents.